Karen Dudley is the former owner of The Kitchen in Woodstock, a chef and curator of flavours who has been winning hearts for years. Karen loves to absorb information about food, the world and her city – and use these influences to make beautiful food to be shared with others. Karen grew up in a family that always had visitors from abroad – politicians, famous, marginalised, missionaries, who came to sit at the family’s table. It helped Karen understand that there were people in the world besides her that had different ideas, thoughts and interests. Gathering friends old and new around her table has since been her life’s creed.
Karen opens her warm and eclectic home to these kinds of conversations, inviting guests to join her and her family for dinner and to share a little of her life. She knows that our hearts long to be connected to other people, to share, to be seen, to feel that we belong. It is at the table that we experience this sense of belonging most powerfully.
‘At the table is where everything happens. Where we teach our children manners, where we learn to have discussions and disagreements without being upset, and where we begin to realise where we belong. I believe in the power of those conversations that only happen over a shared meal’
Karen will prepare a delicious 3-course dinner packed with nostalgia and contemporary flavours, which she’ll serve while sharing stories of her upbringing and the unique experience of being a chef and entrepreneur in South Africa. The evening will end with a transfer back to your accommodation.
*A max of 8 pax are accommodated around her table.
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