Ree Treweek is a creator of imaginative worlds who has been seeking out the space between visionary and real worlds her entire career. It’s at this junction that her stories and distinctive visual language unfold. Most of Ree’s characters spring into being without a plan. She begins by doodling in her sketchbooks, never really knowing what will unfold. Exploring, imagining and forming the process of the fantasy world she then further explores in painting, sculpture and animation. Often in collaboration with other artists.
Ree’s home resembles a museum filled with her creations. Very dominant in her bedroom is the magnificent Broccoli Monster, who beginning life as a tiny sketch has turned into a kind creature reminiscent of comfort food, a gentle friend that requires protection. He forms part of a world that Ree has been exploring for some years called Post Cards and Malicious. Ree offers unique insight into the dedicated creation process over dinner in her beautiful home.
“I start doodling with a pen, starting with an eye and from there expanding to bring them to life. Sometimes I look in the scratch pad and don’t remember bringing them to life, as they have appeared effortlessly from my sub-conscious. I then think about relationships that these new and varied creatures would have, how they would coinhabit, would they be friends – and bring this into context as I develop their world.”
Ree’s magical home in the heart of the city is filled with make-believe characters and alluring charisma. Be introduced to the various inhabitants of the Molition Bog. Learn what makes a moose into an aircraft carrier, what turns a lemon mad and why granny’s knitting needles can never be trusted. In this world of animation where most people only see the end result, Ree will offer insight into the creative process with a screening.
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